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Id: 155084
244 990
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
244 990
155084 Apartment: 2 k 61,90 sq. m., 7th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 8-9, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the use...
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Id: 155083
382 982
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
382 982
155083 Apartment: 3 to 112.60 sq. m., 6th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 8-9, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the u...
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Id: 155082
360 534
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
360 534
155082 Apartment: 3 to 116.60 sq. m., 3rd floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 8-9, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the u...
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Id: 155081
292 199
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
292 199
155081 Apartment: 2 k 67,50 sq. m., 10th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 8-9, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the us...
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Id: 155080
289 862
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
289 862
155080 Apartment: 3 to 86.80 sq. m., 7th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 8-9, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the us...
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Id: 155079
227 761
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
227 761
155079 Apartment: 2 k 63,50 sq. m., 7th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 8-9, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the use...
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Id: 155078
220 946
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
220 946
155078 Apartment: 2 k 61,60 sq. m., 7th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 8-9, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the use...
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Id: 155077
118 611
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
118 611
155077 Studio: 27,40 sq. m., 7th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 8-9, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the use of inf...
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Id: 155075
261 489
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
261 489
155075 Apartment: 2 k 68.20 sq. m., 10th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the us...
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Id: 155074
349 340
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
349 340
155074 Apartment: 3 to 80.70 sq. m., 11th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the u...
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Id: 155073
254 105
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
254 105
155073 Apartment: 2 to 58.70 sq. m., 11th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the u...
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Id: 155072
173 155
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
173 155
155072 Apartment: 1 to 40.00 sq. m., 6th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the us...
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Id: 155071
252 374
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
252 374
155071 Apartment: 2 k 74,20 sq. m., 2nd floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the use...
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Id: 155070
226 400
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
226 400
155070 Apartment: 2 k 52,30 sq. m., 11th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the us...
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Id: 155069
254 971
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
254 971
155069 Apartment: 2 to 58.90 sq. m., 11th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the u...
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Id: 155068
310 566
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
310 566
155068 Apartment: 3 to 83,70 sq. m., 10th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the u...
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Id: 155067
242 417
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
242 417
155067 Apartment: 2 k 56,00 sq. m., 9th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the use...
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Id: 155066
313 485
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
313 485
155066 Apartment: 3 k 87,40 sq. m., 8th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the use...
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Id: 155065
194 428
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
194 428
155065 Apartment: 2 k 52,40 sq. m., 9th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the use...
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Id: 155064
175 629
belyy ostrov
sankt peterburg , 197342 g sankt peterburg ul beloostrovskaya d 9 litera a
175 629
155064 Apartment: 1 to 40.00 sq. m., 7th floor in the complex Bely Ostrov, 1st turn, building 6-7, delivery: 2sq., floors: 11, address Beloostrovskaya str., 9 / A, Developer: Basis SPb. A business class residential complex will be located in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg on Beloostrovskaya Street. The residential complex implements an innovative approach to the construction of residential buildings: this includes the use of the principles of ecological construction, and the us...
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