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Id: 154883
127 516
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
127 516
154883 Studio: 27.26 sq. m., 13th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd turn, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 min...
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Id: 154882
128 635
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
128 635
154882 Studio: 27.26 sq. m., 18th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154881
128 601
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
128 601
154881 Studio: 27.26 sq. m., 18th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154880
127 602
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
127 602
154880 Studio: 27.26 sq. m., 17th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154879
127 602
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
127 602
154879 Studio: 27.26 sq. m., 16th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154878
128 601
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
128 601
154878 Studio: 27.26 sq. m., 18th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154877
128 170
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
128 170
154877 Studio: 27.26 sq. m., 18th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154876
127 137
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
127 137
154876 Studio: 27.26 sq. m., 17th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154875
128 601
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
128 601
154875 Studio: 27.26 sq. m., 18th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154874
128 635
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
128 635
154874 Studio: 27.26 sq. m., 18th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154873
134 892
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
134 892
154873 Studio: 30.47 sq. m., 18th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154872
128 264
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
128 264
154872 Studio: 27,17 sq. m., 18th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154865
123 613
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
123 613
154865 Studio: 26.05 sq. m., 18th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154871
128 052
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
128 052
154871 Studio: 27.37 sq. m., 17th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154870
138 294
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
138 294
154870 Studio: 32,21 sq. m., 18th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154869
137 073
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
137 073
154869 Studio: 32,21 sq. m., 15th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154868
137 073
sankt peterburg , 192102 g sankt peterburg ul salova d 61
137 073
154868 Studio: 32,21 sq. m., 14th floor in the Valo complex, 3rd stage, building 2 (Mercure), delivery: 3sq., floors: 18, address Salova str., 61 / A, Developer: HALS. Apart-hotel complex is a unique hotel facility that meets European quality standards and meets the needs of the most demanding public. The complex is located in a location with a well – developed transport, social and commercial infrastructure-directly opposite the metro station "Bukharestskaya" (1 mi...
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Id: 154830
354 405
sankt peterburg , g sankt peterburg ul glukharskaya
354 405
154830 Apartment: 3 k 92.53 sq. m., 12th floor in the Modum complex, 1st turn, building 2, delivery: 4sq., floors: 12, address Glukharskaya str.,, Developer: Arsenal. The residential quarter will be located in the Primorsky district on the projected continuation of Aviakonstruktorov Avenue. The district has a developed infrastructure, has educational and medical institutions. Within walking distance are supermarkets, grocery stores, cafes, fitness centers, beauty salons. The large...
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Id: 154829
320 072
sankt peterburg , g sankt peterburg ul glukharskaya
320 072
154829 Apartment: 3 k 92.53 sq. m., 9th floor in the Modum complex, 1st turn, building 2, delivery: 4sq., floors: 12, address Glukharskaya str.,, Developer: Arsenal. The residential quarter will be located in the Primorsky district on the projected continuation of Aviakonstruktorov Avenue. The district has a developed infrastructure, has educational and medical institutions. Within walking distance are supermarkets, grocery stores, cafes, fitness centers, beauty salons. The large ...
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Id: 154828
320 072
sankt peterburg , g sankt peterburg ul glukharskaya
320 072
154828 Apartment: 3 k 92.53 sq. m., 8th floor in the Modum complex, 1st turn, building 2, delivery: 4sq., floors: 12, address Glukharskaya str.,, Developer: Arsenal. The residential quarter will be located in the Primorsky district on the projected continuation of Aviakonstruktorov Avenue. The district has a developed infrastructure, has educational and medical institutions. Within walking distance are supermarkets, grocery stores, cafes, fitness centers, beauty salons. The large ...
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